Monday 29 September 2014

Horizon Report

The horizon report outlines current trends within the classroom and futures trends in the educational system.  One of these trends involve adopting technology to rethink how schools work.  The traditional approach is having a teacher at the front of the classroom teaching lessons to the students as they take notes with a test at the end of the unit to gauge how much information was absorbed.  The new approach involves a focus on project-based learning and collaborative efforts among students.  This approach feels second nature to students as they already feel comfortable communicating through a computer or device, therefore collaboration feels natural.  Unfortunately, this approach is not accepted throughout all schools as many divisions have collaborative applications such as Google Drive blocked from the students.  Blocking these collaborative applications is crippling a students ability to work with students and learn through a collaborative effort.  It is important for us as educators to take the next step in our teaching and provide an innovative and engaging learning environment for our future students.  As a teacher candidate with experience learning and teaching in this type of environment, administrators are going to look to follow this bucking trend and look for teachers who are willing and able to implement this teaching practice.  The future is bright and exciting for future teachers who are willing to change and improve the current education system


Horizon Report - 2014 K-12 Edition


Monday 22 September 2014

Live streaming

Live streaming can be a very powerful tool to use in a classroom.  It allows students who are unable to attend a class, able to tune in to the class from the comfort of their homes.  This is ideal for a school division such as Frontier School Division because it is not always possible for students to attend class.  These student will now be able to view the class through the live stream and also ask questions throughout the stream.  Live streaming presentations from conferences and other events around the world would be extremely valuable as you can attend a conference without having to travel halfway across the world.   Dr. Joe Mazza (2014) believes live streaming should be used more frequently within the schools.  One elementary school live streams their school events and meetings for anybody who is unable to make it to the school.  Live streaming can be powerful and useful in a school setting if implemented properly.

Mazza, J. (2014, April 13). Live Stream School Events to Boost Community Outreach. Retrieved September 18, 2014.

Monday 15 September 2014


Ubersense is a powerful app that teachers and coaches can use to enhance their student and student athletes learning.  It is a tool that provides instant feedback that can be used to visualize what has just been done and they can see what they can do to improve.  The strength of Ubersense is its ability to compare two similar videos.  You are able to place to videos side by side and time them so the action taking place occurs at the same time.  You are able to also slow the videos down as well.  These comparison and slow down features are perfect for breaking down an athletes mechanics and help teach them on what can be improved.  Ubersense can also be used in the classroom.  For example, in a chemistry class comparing the reactions of two different experiments. Pedicini (2014) breaks down three ways a coach can use this application.

1.  Instant replay

2. Post-practice feedback

3. Film and review entire practice

These are just a few ways you can implement Ubersense into your teaching environment. There are many more.  Leave a comment below on how you implement Ubersense in your teachings.



Pedicini, A. (2014, August 20). 3 Ways Coaches Use Video During Practice. Retrieved September 13, 2014.

Sunday 7 September 2014

Blog #1

Following ISTE's standards into your classroom is a very important way to ensure your students have the best learning environment.  Juniu (2011) has a great article on the infusion of technology into the physical education classroom.  A great quote he uses right at the beginning is "Choose your technology to aid your teaching, rather than designing your lesson to fit the available technology."  This fits into ISTE's standards perfectly in both the "Design and develop digital age learning experiences and assessments" and "Model digital age work and learning" as you are implementing technology as you see fit.

The other two facets of ISTE's standards that can easily implemented into the curriculum include "Facilitate and inspire student learning and creativity" and "Engage in professional growth
and leadership."  These are two very important standards as it is something that I believe is important in a physical education classroom.  Inspiring students to learn to become active and stay active throughout their lives. An important way to inspire yourself to stay active is being creative with your activities.  Simply going to the gym to workout becomes monotonous and will burn a person out.  Varying your activities helps you to stay active.  Engaging in professional growth is very important as it helps a student take the next level in their fitness.  Leadership is a big part of physical fitness and athletics in general.  Developing leaders is something that is not developed enough in schools today.

In conclusion, following ISTE's standards would vastly improve learning if fully implemented into the physical education curriculum.


Susana Juniu (2011): Pedagogical Uses of Technology in Physical Education, Journal of Physical
Education, Recreation & Dance, 82:9, 41-49
